Smartphone – Android

Enter VR sex with step-by-step instructions for using your Android smartphone.

VR Porn on Android Smartphone

Using free apps from the Google Play Store, you can turn your smartphone into a VR-ready device. Several competitively priced VR headsets are made to work for a variety of phone sizes. Once you’ve determined the compatible headset that works with your phone, you can begin.


There are different paths you can take to view 180° WankzVR content using your Android phone. You’ll need to download and install a VR video player to your device and we strongly suggest DeoVR.

Visit the Google Play Store, search for DeoVR and complete the installation process.

In WankzVR

Login to WankzVR using your active username and password. Browse the available video content to find your desired video.

Using the pull-down options, select your desired video resolution and tap the DeoVR video link. This will load the 180° video into the DeoVR player automatically and playback will begin.

WankzVR on Android Smartphones

Place your smartphone in your compatible headset and enjoy.

In DeoVR Video Player

Alternatively, you can use your username and password to access the full WankzVR video library from within DeoVR. To begin, open the DeoVR app on your phone.

Select the “Internet Browser” icon at the bottom. Use the address bar provided at the top of this area to enter

WankzVR Trailers on DeoVR

You can view the free 180° trailers by selecting a scene with your action button. Use the login option at the top to enter your active username and password.

Password Management on DeoVR

Once you’ve entered your login information, the full 180° videos will be available.

WankzVR Content on DeoVR

Select your video and enjoy.


Download WankzVR 180° videos for seamless, offline playback. Select one of the provided download links to begin the download process. Note: You are free to download video files directly to your phone using a Wifi connection, but we do strongly suggest downloading to your PC first. Transfer your video file to your go using a compatible USB cable.

Open your DeoVR app once the video file is on your device. Use the “Local Files” option at the bottom to access directories and files on your device.

DeoVR Local Files

Select your video and enjoy.

DeoVR Playback Options

Use DeoVR playback options to optimize your virtual experience. WankzVR 180° video content is set to display correctly by default but options for 360° video and more are also available.